
Happy Festivus!

I would like to wish all of my readers a Happy Festivus! For the rest of us! A donation has been made in your name to the Human Fund (“Money for People”). Please note that I display a Festivus pole year-round on this blog between the menu and the main text. If you want to air your grievances against the author, please leave a comment!



vjack said...

And a happy Festivus to you too!

Judy Weismonger said...

In this nearing birthday of the imaginary jesus, the Christians need to show us their love.

My Christmas Letter of Good Cheer to Christians:

Long before you silly, confused, lying, obfuscating, faking frauds created your NEW religion 2000 years ago (by voting jesus in as a god in 325 AD by the Nicene Council)---Winter Solstice was celebrated for at least 5000 to 8000 years before you upstarts stole the celebration, up to and including appointing the birth of jesus as the same day as Winter Solstice, Dec 25th (which conveniently was also the birthday appointed to two other gods, Apollo and Mithra).

So...when we say...Happy Winter Solstice...the traditions and acknowledgment of when the life-giving SUN is farthest from the earth and thus begins the realignment of the earth and the Sun back to being closer to us...so plants can live, we can grow food and eat, the earth warms up, water flows, and Spring is on the way...sustaining life on this planet, it is really significant. Your religion has completely ignored life on this planet which is very important. Winter Solstice means something real.

Your dream world and delusional religion, cannot plant crops, sustain life, or even acknowledge the importance of the SUN....since you are all life-haters...and are in reality suicidal self-hating creatures, who worship a neo-god who also committed suicide....

It is not Merry Whatever as one of you sarcastic xians said, chagrined at Xmas no longer being as important or "real" as it once was considered to be. Dec 25th is again being acknowledged as one of the most important days of the year known for at least 5 millenium. But, no never mind...the suffering of your imaginary jesus and gawd have to be more important than all other religions or CELEBRATIONS OF LIFE...

Instead of celebrating life, you xians worship death and just can't wait to join this multiple-god trio including a "ghost"....in eternity...doing who knows what...how boring. OK then, I say...do it....Make the 25th of December the day that you join jesus....in heaven, or where ever your delusional and insane brain takes you. Since you are saved...then joining jesus in heaven...will be just a mere step into the harmonious, ever boring after world of your brainless religious invention.

In fact...use the 25th of December...to have cruci-fiction parties....get those crosses out, nail each other to the cross....SUFFER just like jesus did....my oh my what a role model you have chosen to worship i.e. some nearly naked, bloody, beaten up dead guy in a diaper hanging on a stick who intentionally committed suicide by cop (Roman Soldier)...

PS: I would never, ever ask or approve of anyone "dying for me," or "committing suicide" for any reason so I can go to some imaginary, unknown place in the sky...and I find an entire religion based on this "belief" out right insane. The backwards of mental hospitals are full of people like you...who have done various and hideous things to themselves and others in the name of god and jesus....including drowning all of their children in a bath tub because god told them to (Andrea Yates).

If you do a Google search, or go to YouTube.com....you can take lessons on how to drive nails into your palms and feet just like some nut case Filipinos do every year. They almost got it right...problem is they don't hang on the stick long enough to end up like jesus...they just do it for only a short time, long enough to get enough attention from the crowds to satisfy their sick egoes.

Oh yeah, even you dumb xians don't even get cruci-fiction right...in real cruci-fictions by the Romans, nails were driven through the wrists....not the hands, because the many, small bones in the hand can separate by supporting the weight of the body, causing the crucified to fall off the cross and just hang upside down by their feet and flop around like a gaffed fish....so do it right...drive those Christian Nails right through the wrists...and hang there...and see if god saves you. And the more you suffer, you will know that this is what jesus wants you to do...so do it. Show us your love, show us how much you are suffering for us. Jesus is going to be so proud.

In the 21st Century....christianity is right up there with other bizarre practices, such as female genital mutilation, piercing nipples, lips, eye brows, noses, tongues, and other parts of the genitalia, or tatooing "Mother" across one's back...and other defacements of the human body. And, such practices are all supremely painful...making the sufferer "feel" as if they are doing something really unique, worthwhile, and wonderful...so join them, start nailing each other to the cross every year. Get on with your orgy of suffering "for us," and...do it right, after all jesus did it, so, why you too?

Just how much you xians hate yourselves and are willing to suffer because of self-hate, including hate for all of human life (the sin of carnality) depends on how hypocritical the xian is in reality. Real xians can't wait to die. You xians state frequently, that you are "born sinners"...you are born evil, you are not even worthy of kissing the hem of jesus "dress,"

And,...the rest of you fake your self hate, when in reality, you are full of narcisscistic, hysterical, egotistic need to dominate others, and psychologically use blackmail, extortion and threats, including instilling guilt and shame to manipulate other unsophisticated, and vulnerable human beings. Therefore, to better "sell" xianity like used car salesmen,using the most base emotions and manipulations, you xians need to crucify yourselves as a witness to your "faith" and an example of how much "christian love" means.

In reality, whereby you xians then want the rest of us to worship your suffering....its all about YOU...and getting attention. Afterall, the word "christian" means little christ...so be a little christ and crucify yourselves just like jesus did. Show us by example....what we should do, show us your love.

Xianity is all about insecurity, fear, lack of self esteem or a sense of worth of your own life and the life of others...Your religion is an example of the LUDDITE fear of progress, and the need to self destruct into annialistic mindlessness of which you just think you are going to enjoy---Forever.

Freud and other philosophers of psychology have noted there are two main drives in human beings...the drive to Live, and the drive to Die....The Christian Religion has taken the drive to DIE and encased it in an art form and an orgy of self hate, and the worship of suicide and self mutilation....well OK then...stop whining around telling everyone we should be just like you...show us by example, what you really worship and believe.

Every one of you xians...should re-enact the cruci-fiction on yourselves....show us how much you love and emulate jesus...jesus is afterall, the example you follow, so do it...crucify yourselves.

I can't wait...be sure to get someone to take pictures or a video and put it on YouTube.com...don't let the Filipinos be better xians then you.

Judy Weismonger--Atheist Activist Against Religious Insanity

Anonymous said...

Hello to the author.

I just came across your blog about scruptulousity and I wanted to wish you well and say that I completely sympathise with you. I was brought up in a secular home and never had obsessive thoughts about sin or anything of that nature. Later in life I converted to Islam then left it and then was obsessed with christian beliefs and then left both of them, I only had these obsessive thoughts as a result of these religions, I never had these problems before so yes it was conditioned and not a chemical imbalance in brain. Why on earth we have such dangerous ideas fed to us. I still suffer because unlike you, these ideas have damaged me deeply and even though I know it is not resonable for me to fear and feel guilty all the time I cant help it. I was in an extreme group for 6 years so I feel I will never be healed the way I was before.

So sad what people are willing to do to others, I know some of them dont realise the danger they are doing but it is still sad that they are the ones responsible for people suffering like you were and I am.

David Mann said...

Hi Anonymous,

I'm sorry to hear that you're still struggling with guilt and fear despite your leaving your old religions. I wish I had some advice, but I was fine not too long afterward. One of my main motivations in writing is to fight (in the small way I can) the root of our sufferings. I hope you can start to feel OK someday!

Beegirl said...

Judy- While I agree with your letter I don't understand why you have such anger in it. I am no longer a Christian and I don't have the anger towards Christians that you do. Do you think that you will win people over to your side by showing such hate? Christian churches who preach anger towards non-christians are losing members these days and I feel you will lose support also. Why can't you just show others that atheist can be just as nice, just as moral as any christian out there?
Also, you seemed to lump those female genital mutilation, peircings and tattoos all in one. Female genital mutilation is a horrible act done to someone (usually against their will) while peircings and tattoos are voluntary body art an individual chooses to do. And they originated long before the 21st century. Here again you are showing your intolerance for something that does not concern you or harm you in anyway. My choice to get a tattoo is mine alone. I think they are pretty and the 3 small ones I have pleases me very much. If you had ever had one you know that it doesn't have to be about body mutilation or pain. My tattoo were practically painless. I have had more pain with dental work and an appendectomy than with my tattoos.
I hope you let go of your anger and not the type of militant atheist that the creator of this website talks about. You give the rest of us a bad name.

Beegirl said...

Anonymous- I grew up in a fundamentalist church with preachings of hell fire and damnation. I stopped going to church as an adult and I too suffered horrible guilt and tormenting dreams about being dragged into hell nightly. One thing that helped me was to read books by authors such as Dan Barker, Christopher Hutchins, Richard Dawkins and others. This helped me see the valid reason for not believing in God and see that there was reason or guilt.
I hope you pick some books up by these authors and start working your way through the mire that religion has left you in.